College Community Mentoring Program

Be a Volunteer Mentor

UNE's College Community Mentoring Program (CCMP) is a volunteer mentoring program that seeks to engage UNE students in the community by serving as consistent, reliable adult role models for local 孩子们 and teens. The program recruits, 火车, and matches UNE students with public school students to work on academics and college aspirations. UNE students commit to working one-on-one with a youth for at least one hour a week throughout the entire school year.

Mentors build a structured and trusting relationship with their mentees by offering guidance, 支持, 鼓励, and academic assistance. Through the CCMP mentoring relationship, UNE mentors help young people develop into confident, competent and contributing members of society. 反过来, student-mentors strengthen their dedication to the community and thoughtfully enhance their college experience. CCMP currently provides about 50 mentors who work with more than 350 youth.

How to Become a Mentor

Thank you very much for your interest in the College Community Mentoring Program. We in the Office of Citizenship and Civic Engagement and throughout campus are very excited about this service-learning opportunity and hope that you will become involved.

If you enjoy working with younger students on their homework, craft projects, recreational activities, or self-esteem, then this is the opportunity for you. We are working with an array of mentoring sites during both after-school and in-school time blocks. To learn more about each program, take a look at the mentoring site descriptions.

感兴趣? 打印出 this 应用程序, complete it, and return it to me (Decary Hall 321) or my mailbox (Decary 334). I will contact you about upcoming training sessions.

联系 For more information, contact Melissa Klemt, program coordinator at (207) 602-2260 or

信息rmation for mentee parents

The University of New England is a proud member of our community and enjoys the chance to become more involved with the people and programs of the area. For UNE students interested in working with local 孩子们 and youth, the College Community Mentoring Program (CCMP) provides an opportunity to mentor at in-school and after-school programs. The involvement of CCMP mentors aligns with the University’s mission of enhancing the quality of lives of students and the community it serves.

UNE is a member of the York County Mentoring Partnership and the Maine Mentoring Partnership. Through these organizations, we keep abreast of current best practices in mentoring.

To become a mentor, UNE students must complete several steps.

  1. Application Process
    • 感兴趣 UNE students complete an 应用程序 and interview with the CCMP coordinator. Two reference checks are conducted, a background check may also be required.
  2. Training Process
    • All student-mentors attend a two-hour mentor training session before beginning their assignments. 学生 learn mentoring roles, CCMP guidelines and valuable mentoring skills. Topics also include mandated reporting and child development. Midway through each term, mentors participate in a follow-up training and reflection session.
  3. Why 学生 Mentor at the CCMP sites
    • UNE students mentor for a number of reasons. Becoming a mentor provides a chance to connect with 孩子们, give back to the community and make a difference. Mentors may simply enjoy working with 孩子们 and find a CCMP site that works with their class schedule. The CCMP mentoring experience may be used to fulfill a Citizenship 400 Seminar service-learning requirement. It may also provide an opportunity for career exploration or professional experience.

For more information email Melissa Klemt.


Mentors have experienced great things when mentoring. Some common feelings include:

  • Giving back to the community
  • Making a difference
  • Providing 支持 to 孩子们 that need it most
  • Forming strong connections with mentees
  • Exploring possible career paths
  • Deepening academic experience via service-learning
  • Leadership: Become a member of the CCMP Advisory Board.
  • Training: Receive training useful for mentoring and beyond.
  • Relationships: Meet other mentors, 孩子们, 老师, UNE professional staff, and leaders of the community.
  • Commit one to two hours a week to mentee(s) and mentoring site for one academic year.
  • Attend a mandatory two-hour training before mentoring occurs.
  • Attend periodic reflection sessions.
  • Provide a positive role model for a child.
  • Assist mentees with academic work.
  • Join mentees in extracurricular activities.
  • 给 mentee and CCMP coordinator advance notice when missing a session.
  • Do not see mentees outside of mentoring sites.
  1. 学生 who have already been in 1:1 mentoring relationships for one or more semesters may continue to mentor and include it as part of their Citizenship requirement.
  2. 学生 in Fall Citizenship sections may enter into 1:1 mentoring relationships, with the understanding that they must continue to mentor through the Spring semester.
  3. 学生 in Spring Citizenship sections may not enter into new 1:1 mentoring relationships.
  4. All Citizenship students and sections are welcome to participate in group mentoring programs.

Watch the mentor training Powerpoint

Print the mentor 应用程序



  • Biddeford Primary School
  • Kennebunkport Consolidated School
  • Sea Road School of Kennebunk
  • Middle School of the Kennebunks
  • Jameson School
  • Loranger Middle School
  • Old Orchard Beach High School
  • Old Orchard Alternative Education
  • The Tides Program
  • Kennebunk Elementary School
  • Saco Middle School
  • Thornton Academy


If you have any questions concerning the College Community Mentoring Program, please contact Melissa Klemt in Decary Hall 321, at (207) 602-2260 or

Prospective Sites

CCMP is steadily expanding and always interested in new mentoring opportunities. If your school or program is interested in having UNE mentors volunteer at your site, please email Melissa Klemt. Depending on your own program’s needs, mentors can assist in a number of ways. The most common activities CCMP mentors participate in are homework help and recreation and cultural activities. Most importantly, mentors are able to provide 孩子们 with consistent 支持 and a positive role model.